October 25, 2010

Twinkle Toes is THREE months old today!

So, what are you up to these days?????

·    You are starting to be in a pretty good routine - you have started taking naps every day sometimes as much as 4 hours!
·    You have started smiling and it is such an amazing thing!
·     You like to stick your legs straight out (especially during diaper changes) and stretch! 
·    You can lift and move your head from side to side while doing tummy time!  We love to cheer you on too!
·    You are starting to coo back to mommy and will follow us with your eyes.
·    You sleep every night from 8:30 to 3:30 am. Not through the whole night yet. Just like clockwork you get me up at 11:30 and 3:30 to eat.
·    You get mad if I leave you in your bed too long before responding.  You like to flail your arms and legs – its actually kinda funny.
·    You are wearing size 1 diapers and we’ll find out how much you weigh on Weds.   I think it could be around 11 pounds.
·    You are in between Newborn and 3 months sized clothes - right on target.
·    You are starting to enjoy your bath more and more!
·    You like riding in the car and most of the time you fall asleep in the car.
·    You are still on the oxygen but that may be gone very soon.
·    You enjoy your pacifier at times but you don’t have to have it.

·    Your eyes are still blue - but I'm wondering if they will turn.
·    You are growing way too fast. :-)
·    You have brought more joy to your daddy and me than we could have ever imagined!

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