June 25, 2011

Twinkle Toes is ELEVEN months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are ELEVEN months old today!
Adjusted/corrected age of 40 weeks!

What are you up to these days???

You weigh approx 20 pounds but this is purely a guess
You wear a size 3 diaper and wear 9 mos. and 12 month clothes

·    You had your first swim class and you just sat back (in daddy’s arms) and took it all in.  You are such a people watcher!
·    You are now crawling
·    Daddy celebrated his first Fathers’ day with you!
·    You used the big swing at the park for the first time!
·    You are finally eating puffs without issue!
·    You have a GREAT appetite and there are very few things you refuse to eat. You eat 3 good solid meals a day.  You still eat several good sized bottles daily!

·    You tried Mandarin Oranges and whole bites of Avocado and loved both.
·    You know that switches turn on and off lights!
·    We had to adjust your jumperoo to level 2!!
·    Your Robeez finally fit without making you look like a clown!
·    You are pulling up and have your first bruise on your head to prove it!
·    You are sleeping 9 hours at night. And you take a good nap every morning.  You go to bed around 7:30 pm every night
·    You are EVERYWHERE!!! You spend all day crawling, getting into everything and exploring. You are a BUSY girl while everyone that watches you are tired/worn out. :-)
·    You still have 2 teeth and you top two keep trying to break thru but nothing official yet.
·    You love to pull your books out of your bookcase now.  You'll look thru the pages too. 
·    You LOVE bath time. You'll splash in the water and just sit back and enjoy it. 

I CAN NOT believe you will be a year old in a month. This has been the most amazing year of my life.
11 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Various meet dinners and puffs and chunkier items are no longer an issue!  Mandarin Oranges
Developmental Milestones: Crawling forward!!!
Favorite Toys: Scout, anything that stacks and anything with music.

June 13, 2011

Nighttime Saying

Our routine is nearly the same every night.  She eats her solids, then we go to her room, change her diaper, put on her socks and then dress her in her sleeper for the night.  Then we play and just let her crawl around her room and let her re-discover the various things in it.  While she is crawling around, I read a few books to her.  This lasts about 15 to 30 minutes.  It all depends on her mood / activity level.  Some days she is just tired and ready for her last bottle rather than playing.  After that, I scoop her up and give her her bottle.

But the one thing that has NEVER changed is this little saying: 

It's night-night time.
Time to close your eyes and go to sleep,
and dream of Puppies and Kittens,
and Bunnies and Sheep.

Even is she is peacefully sleeping, I'll whisper this saying to her while I lay her in her crib.  Even Mister B will say it to her. 

So how did it come to be?  One night when she was about 4 or 5 months old, she just wouldn't go to sleep in her crib.  I patted her tummy to help calm her and the words just came to me.  I'm sure that the pictures of puppies and kittens above her changing pad, her sheep mobile, artwork and crib sheet (which has sheep all over it) and her PB Kids Sheep Thumbie all had something to do with it. 

I love how it just flows and rhymes so well together.  Its short and sweet and so easy to remember.  And for some reason, when I'm not with her and I think of it (like now) it always makes me tear up.

Momma J
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