September 30, 2011

Because its powerful and a great reminder

I found this one day when I was struggling with pumping and providing for Twinkle Toes.  I think it is very inspiring and a great reminder for those who may have only (and I say that with the utmost respect) been able to nurse/pump for a few months.  Don't be so hard on yourself ladies.  What you did, if even for a few days, is an amazing feat and you shoudl be proud. 

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR JUST A FEW DAYS, he will have received your colostrum, or early milk. By providing antibodies and the food his brand-new body expects, nursing gives your baby his first - and easiest - "immunization" and helps get his digestive system going smoothly. Breastfeeding is how your baby expects to start, and helps your own body recover from the birth. Why not use your time in the hospital to prepare your baby for life through the gift of nursing?

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR FOUR TO SIX WEEKS, you will have eased him through the most critical part of his infancy. Newborns who are not breastfed are much more likely to get sick or be hospitalized, and have many more digestive problems than breastfed babies. After 4 to 6 weeks, you'll probably have worked through any early nursing concerns, too. Make a serious goal of nursing for a month, call La Leche League or a Lactation Consultant if you have any questions, and you'll be in a better position to decide whether continued breastfeeding is for you.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 4 MONTHS, her digestive system will have matured a great deal, and she will be much better able to tolerate the foreign substances in commercial formulas. If there is a family history of allergies, though, you will greatly reduce her risk by waiting a few more months before adding anything at all to her diet of breastmilk. And giving nothing but your milk for the first four months gives strong protection against ear infections for a whole year.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 6 MONTHS, she will be much less likely to suffer an allergic reaction to formula or other foods. At this point, her body is probably ready to tackle some other foods, whether or not you wean. Nursing for at least 6 months helps ensure better health throughout your baby's first year of life, and reduces your own risk of breast cancer. Nursing for 6 months or more may greatly reduce your little one's risk of ear infections and childhood cancers. And exclusive, frequent breastfeeding during the first 6 months, if your periods have not returned, provides 98% effective contraception.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 9 MONTHS, you will have seen him through the fastest and most important brain and body development of his life on the food that was designed for him - your milk. You may even notice that he is more alert and more active than babies who did not have the benefit of their mother's milk. Weaning may be fairly easy at this age... but then, so is nursing! If you want to avoid weaning this early, be sure you've been available to nurse for comfort as well as just for food.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR A YEAR, you can avoid the expense and bother of formula. Her one-year-old body can probably handle most of the table foods your family enjoys. Many of the health benefits this year of nursing has given your child will last her whole life. She will have a stronger immune system, for instance, and will be much less likely to need orthodontia or speech therapy. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least a year, to help ensure normal nutrition and health for your baby.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 24 MONTHS, you will have continued to provide your baby's normal nutrition and protection against illness at a time when illness is common in other babies. Your baby is probably well started on table foods, too. He has had time to form a solid bond with you - a healthy starting point for his growing independence. And he is old enough that you and he can work together on the weaning process, at a pace that he can handle comfortably. A former U.S. Surgeon General said, "It is the lucky baby...that nurses to age two." [AAFP statement on nursing until at least 24 months.]

IF YOUR CHILD WEANS WHEN SHE IS READY, you can feel confident that you have met your baby's physical and emotional needs in a very normal, healthy way. In cultures where there is no pressure to wean, children tend to nurse for at least three years. The World Health Organization and UNICEF strongly encourage breastfeeding through toddlerhood: "Breastmilk is an important source of energy and protein, and helps to protect against disease during the child's second year of life."(1)Our biology seems geared to a weaning age of between 4 and 7 years(2), and it just makes sense to build our children's bones from the milk that was designed to build them.

September 8, 2011

I've been MIA

I’m sure some people noticed!  Sorry about that. 
Without warning I had to have ANOTHER surgery as I had retained gallstones.  I was super sick and was really jaundiced and it all happened around Twinkle Toes First Birthday.  What a bummer!
But I’m back and ready to finish up the posts regarding TT’s birth story.
Thanks for being so patient.
Momma J

July 20, 2011

Looking back - a year ago today

I've never really shared my "birth story" so I felt I'd write a daily blog post documented that days that led up to TT's birth.  It will be a long read.

A year ago today, everything in my seemingly normal pregnancy changed!  But And changed dramatically.  It scared me to death.  I was 32 weeks, 2 days pregnant.

Around Midnight 7/20/2010, I woke up to an excruciating headache.  I had never had a headache that bad.  I got up, went to the bathroom, drank a huge glass of water and took several Tylenol.  I was miserable.  Twinkle Toes was not awake and moving, which was fine with me. 

I got an ice pack to put on my forehead, laid back in bed and tried to go back to sleep but the headache wouldn't budge.  Around 1 am, I move to the couch and sat upright with the ice pack on the top of my head.  A half hour later, still no relief from the ice pack or Tylenol.  I drank more water and still nothing.   I started to wonder about Pre-E but just figured the headache was due to being a bit dehydrated or sinus related and I brushed it off at that point.

Around 3 am, I started looking up Pre Eclampsia in three different books.  I knew and had had the feeling for a few months that I had Pre-E.  I just really felt deep in my heart that I had it.  Don't ask me why but I did.

During my last few OB appts. I had asked and complained about the swelling that I was experiencing, especially in my ankles and feet.  I hadn't been able to wear my wedding ring since about 18 weeks.  If I had only known!  I had read a few times about the symptoms of preeclampsia but never worried that I had it.  Every OB appt I had left urine specimens but nothing ever showed up that was indicative of Pre-E.  They always told me it was due to my age and the heat of July. 

At 4:30 am Mister B woke up to get ready for work and told me I didn't look good. I knew I had a half day of work since I had my first Gestational Diabetes class.  I knew that I had to stop by the OB's office for a BP re-check anyway since it had been missed at my last appointment.  The OB's office and GD class were just doors down from each other!  I knew I'd just mention the headache then.

I knew I could work till 11 am and then leave for my GD class, piece of cake.  I was just really focused on banking PTO so I could spend the time with TT after her arrival, which was 7 weeks away.

The headache was still there while at work.  I wrapped up my day, drove the 45 minutes to the OB office and was escorted back to the exam room where they took my BP.  And then it all changed and felt like things were crashing around me.

I was told to immediately lay down on my left side, don't talk, don't move, close my eyes, relax and think peaceful thoughts and they'd be back with the DOCTOR in a few minutes.  Umm ok but Holy Shit, why or you over reacting?  My BP was 221/113!!!!

The doctor rushed in and told me not to move and asked me questions in a very calm fashion.  Some of them were: How did I get to there office, Is anyone home to come take me to the hospital, Where is my husband, How do I feel, How long has the headache lasted, and How long as the swelling been that bad?  Well, doc, I've mentioned it to all of you numerous times!  I was scared.  Things started to just swirl around me.  Like "labor and delivery", "deliver now", "prematurity", "steroid shots", "Seizures", "Stroke", etc.

At this point, my husband was out of state for his job but on the way back.  His job requires that he drives a hazardous materials truck and breaking this kind of news, "you're wife is being admitted to L&D" is not something I wanted to just casually break to him.  I chose to wait to call him for a bit.

My BP didn't change while in the office.  So I was wheeled over to Labor & Delivery and put into a special monitoring room.  I was in tears which spiked the BP even more.  My parents were called and asked to come down.  It was the scariest day yet.  The stupid nurse told them that I was in jeopardy of having a stroke or seizure.  It was a very stressful drive for them!

I had known from reading various blogs that it is vitally important for steroid shots in cases where an early delivery could be imminent.  So when asked I immediately said yes.  I was hooked up with an IV, and numerous monitors.  I could hear TT moving around a ton - kicking at the monitor from time to time which made me laugh in a otherwise crappy moment.  A 24 hr urine collection was started. 

After I was settled a bit, I called my husband and told him to safely pull over and call me back.  When he called me back, it took everything I had to remain calm and quietly and calmly explain the situation and ask that he come  to the hospital.  He was scared shitless, needless to say!

Once he arrived, they administered the Steroid Shot!   Holy pain batman!  The steroid is administered into the muscle which when immediately poked with the needle will seize up and cramp.  And there was blood everywhere.  My husband passed out watching this - Wuss! 

By 8 pm, I was moved into an Antepartum room to spend the night.  My husband was on his way home to pick up some clothes and other necessities for me and to get a good nights sleep.  It was official, I was on hospital bed rest with a goal of sticking it out for at least 5 more weeks in that room.  Ugh - but I was willing to do it to help our daughter grow and develop.

To be continued tomorrow.....
Momma J

July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!!

Twinkle Toes would like to wish each of you a Happy Fourth of July! 

Enjoy your day,
Wear your Patriotic swimsuits,
enjoy from good libations and yummy BBQ, 
and lounge around today!
And please be safe with all of your fireworks displays!

June 25, 2011

Twinkle Toes is ELEVEN months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are ELEVEN months old today!
Adjusted/corrected age of 40 weeks!

What are you up to these days???

You weigh approx 20 pounds but this is purely a guess
You wear a size 3 diaper and wear 9 mos. and 12 month clothes

·    You had your first swim class and you just sat back (in daddy’s arms) and took it all in.  You are such a people watcher!
·    You are now crawling
·    Daddy celebrated his first Fathers’ day with you!
·    You used the big swing at the park for the first time!
·    You are finally eating puffs without issue!
·    You have a GREAT appetite and there are very few things you refuse to eat. You eat 3 good solid meals a day.  You still eat several good sized bottles daily!

·    You tried Mandarin Oranges and whole bites of Avocado and loved both.
·    You know that switches turn on and off lights!
·    We had to adjust your jumperoo to level 2!!
·    Your Robeez finally fit without making you look like a clown!
·    You are pulling up and have your first bruise on your head to prove it!
·    You are sleeping 9 hours at night. And you take a good nap every morning.  You go to bed around 7:30 pm every night
·    You are EVERYWHERE!!! You spend all day crawling, getting into everything and exploring. You are a BUSY girl while everyone that watches you are tired/worn out. :-)
·    You still have 2 teeth and you top two keep trying to break thru but nothing official yet.
·    You love to pull your books out of your bookcase now.  You'll look thru the pages too. 
·    You LOVE bath time. You'll splash in the water and just sit back and enjoy it. 

I CAN NOT believe you will be a year old in a month. This has been the most amazing year of my life.
11 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Various meet dinners and puffs and chunkier items are no longer an issue!  Mandarin Oranges
Developmental Milestones: Crawling forward!!!
Favorite Toys: Scout, anything that stacks and anything with music.

June 13, 2011

Nighttime Saying

Our routine is nearly the same every night.  She eats her solids, then we go to her room, change her diaper, put on her socks and then dress her in her sleeper for the night.  Then we play and just let her crawl around her room and let her re-discover the various things in it.  While she is crawling around, I read a few books to her.  This lasts about 15 to 30 minutes.  It all depends on her mood / activity level.  Some days she is just tired and ready for her last bottle rather than playing.  After that, I scoop her up and give her her bottle.

But the one thing that has NEVER changed is this little saying: 

It's night-night time.
Time to close your eyes and go to sleep,
and dream of Puppies and Kittens,
and Bunnies and Sheep.

Even is she is peacefully sleeping, I'll whisper this saying to her while I lay her in her crib.  Even Mister B will say it to her. 

So how did it come to be?  One night when she was about 4 or 5 months old, she just wouldn't go to sleep in her crib.  I patted her tummy to help calm her and the words just came to me.  I'm sure that the pictures of puppies and kittens above her changing pad, her sheep mobile, artwork and crib sheet (which has sheep all over it) and her PB Kids Sheep Thumbie all had something to do with it. 

I love how it just flows and rhymes so well together.  Its short and sweet and so easy to remember.  And for some reason, when I'm not with her and I think of it (like now) it always makes me tear up.

Momma J

May 26, 2011

Twinkle Toes - you are TEN months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are TEN months old!
Adjusted/corrected age of 36 weeks!

What are you up to these days?

·   You weigh around 17 pounds
·   You wear a size 2-3 diaper
·   You wear mostly 9 months clothes
·   You are an eating machine but you still only eat purees, milk or chunky purees. You eat pretty much anything I give you though. You love carrots, avocados, bananas, yogurt, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears and pretty much anything else.  There has only been one food you’ve refused – rice.  Anything with rice you refuse.
·   You take a good 1-2 hour nap every morning but refuse an afternoon nap.  You’re a great catnapper though.
·   You are still sleeping through the night now. You go to bed around 7:30-8 pm and sleep till 4:30 am on the weekdays.
·   You are just so curious – you love to figure things out.
·   You have so much personality and the brightest eyes. You are SO social!
·   You are SO vocal and are constantly making noise.   Still no “real” words just yet but you’re on your way.  But I know once you get going we will never get you to be quiet. You are going to be a talker!
·   You still only have the two bottom teeth! One of these days the top two will pop thru.  We know you’re teething right now – you are a drooling fool and a bit miserable at times.  I know those suckers really hurt – they are so red and puffy.
·   You and you’re tongue – you are always sticking your tongue out of your mouth!
·   You never stop moving. You are constantly trying to crawl, or pulling up on things.  When you get a little steadier - you will most pull yourself up OR actually crawl.  I know you will be crawling like a champ by your first birthday, if not sooner!
·   You have started to kind of wave and clap your hands! Especially when you think you have done something great!
·   You have changed SO much. I look back at your earlier months and can't believe you big you are now.
·   Your iron levels were checked at your 9 month appt and your numbers were awesome!
·   You enjoy watching the birds outside and checking out the new flowers in the garden.

You truly are a wonder to us.  Your progress is truly amazing!

10 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am weekdays – on the weekends we let you sleep till 5:30 or 6 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Pumpkin and Mango’s – both puree’s
Developmental Milestones: Pulling up on things and figuring out how things work.
Favorite Toys: You love anything with tags or noisy toys!

May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 5/25/2010

So I lied, not really wordless, is it?
I can't believe that little thing is 10 months old today!  I will post her 10 month status later.

May 19, 2011

Baby/Child Safe Sunscreen and Bug Repellent lists

I came across these two wonderful cheatsheets from for Sunscreen and Bug Repellent that are baby/child safe.  I found them to be incredibly helpful.

Sunscreen List

Bug Repellent List

I've found this blog/site to be a great resource for all things "Safe" related (or Green) for your little one.  You might want to bookmark it for future reference!  And they have great giveaways.  I ask you, who DOESN'T love giveaways.

Happy Reading,
Momma J

May 18, 2011

May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 5/4/2011

First off, Happy Birthday Mister B!  I hope you have a wonderful day!

April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 4/27/2011

 Look at the bunny tights!  Yes hard to see but let me tell you, they are super cute.

April 26, 2011

Twinkle Toes - you are NINE months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are NINE months old!
Adjusted/corrected age of 32 weeks!

What are you up to these days???

·     You weigh 16 lbs 4 oz – this will be re-checked on 4/29 and updated then
·     You are over 24 inches but this isn’t official
·     You wear a size 2-3 diaper.  2’s are a bit too small for messy diapers and 3’s are WAY too big!
·     You are wearing 6 months clothes but I'm putting you in 9 months also
·     You had your first illness – an ear infection that I never would have guessed you had!
·     You haven’t started eating table food – Mommy is just letting you lead in this area!
·      You have a GREAT appetite. You eat 2 good solid meals a day but still gag on other snacks. You still eat several good sized bottles daily!
·     You take two naps a day (most days). You will sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.  Some days you’ll take 3 naps!
·        Your night sleeping gets better some nights - almost 7-8 hour stretches! And then we will have a rough time of getting you down to sleep.  You’re so inconsistent! 
·        You have two teeth – just the two on the bottom!  It is so cute but I can’t get a picture since you never move your tongue!
·        You are scooting and exploring EVERYWHERE!  You can scoot backwards so very well and roll all over the room!  It is fascinating to watch how fast you are now!
·        You smile and giggle a LOT!
·        You love sucking on your toes – with OR without socks on!
·        You love to sit up for your bottle now – straight up!
·        When Daddy leaves for work you just give him the biggest grin!  You are a total daddy's girl!
  • You are always so content and happy if we are out doing something. You also do so great out in restaurants!
  • You love to explore your surroundings!

The last nine months have been the best of my life.

9 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Avocado and Yogurt!
Developmental Milestones: Rolling over and sitting up like a champ!
Favorite Toys: Sitting in a basket of balls and your Lamaze Giraffe!  You love beating the heck out of Sophie the Giraffe too!

April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 4/20/2011

Two for one since I've sucked lately!

March 25, 2011

Twinkle Toes is EIGHT months old today!!

Twinkle Toes - you are EIGHT months old today!!!
Adjusted/corrected age of 28 weeks!


Twinkle Toes what are you up to this month???

·      You wear 6-9 month clothes and 9 month PJ's.
·      You are in Size 2 diapers still
·      I have a feeling you weigh around 17-18 lbs
·      You are a little thing but a GREAT eater. You eat round 25 oz of milk daily and two jars of solids.  And you are eating larger quantities of solids too.
·      Although we see white, you STILL haven’t pop any teeth yet.
·      You have started taking great consistent naps and your night sleeping has been GREAT for the last month!
·      You like to blow raspberries and smile after every bite you eat. And then you open up like a little bird ready for your next bite of food.
·      We also call you "Curious George" because you are so nosy and curious. You love to look around at people and you will just stare. You are so curious about everything.
·      You are getting better and better at sitting on a daily basis. 
·      You still love the jumperoo and you just jump up and down in it.
·      You celebrated you first Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day!
·      You love to babble and make noise and you are SO loud.  You love to screech too!
·      You have the cutest personality. I literally can't get enough of you - I will never kiss you or hug you enough.
·      Your hair has just started to come in this month and it's still hard to tell what the color will be!   You also have blue eyes. They are so big, round and beautiful.
You are the most precious thing in the world to me!

8 Month Stats:
Bedtime: 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:15 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 5 oz bottles, consuming around 27oz daily
New Foods: Raspberry Apple, Pumpkin Apple, Pear Oatmeal, Winter Squash (all purees)
Developmental Milestones: Nothing new that I can think of
Favorite Toys: Her hands, toy keys, Sophie, Lamb Thumbie and various balls
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