May 26, 2011

Twinkle Toes - you are TEN months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are TEN months old!
Adjusted/corrected age of 36 weeks!

What are you up to these days?

·   You weigh around 17 pounds
·   You wear a size 2-3 diaper
·   You wear mostly 9 months clothes
·   You are an eating machine but you still only eat purees, milk or chunky purees. You eat pretty much anything I give you though. You love carrots, avocados, bananas, yogurt, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears and pretty much anything else.  There has only been one food you’ve refused – rice.  Anything with rice you refuse.
·   You take a good 1-2 hour nap every morning but refuse an afternoon nap.  You’re a great catnapper though.
·   You are still sleeping through the night now. You go to bed around 7:30-8 pm and sleep till 4:30 am on the weekdays.
·   You are just so curious – you love to figure things out.
·   You have so much personality and the brightest eyes. You are SO social!
·   You are SO vocal and are constantly making noise.   Still no “real” words just yet but you’re on your way.  But I know once you get going we will never get you to be quiet. You are going to be a talker!
·   You still only have the two bottom teeth! One of these days the top two will pop thru.  We know you’re teething right now – you are a drooling fool and a bit miserable at times.  I know those suckers really hurt – they are so red and puffy.
·   You and you’re tongue – you are always sticking your tongue out of your mouth!
·   You never stop moving. You are constantly trying to crawl, or pulling up on things.  When you get a little steadier - you will most pull yourself up OR actually crawl.  I know you will be crawling like a champ by your first birthday, if not sooner!
·   You have started to kind of wave and clap your hands! Especially when you think you have done something great!
·   You have changed SO much. I look back at your earlier months and can't believe you big you are now.
·   Your iron levels were checked at your 9 month appt and your numbers were awesome!
·   You enjoy watching the birds outside and checking out the new flowers in the garden.

You truly are a wonder to us.  Your progress is truly amazing!

10 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am weekdays – on the weekends we let you sleep till 5:30 or 6 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Pumpkin and Mango’s – both puree’s
Developmental Milestones: Pulling up on things and figuring out how things work.
Favorite Toys: You love anything with tags or noisy toys!

May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 5/25/2010

So I lied, not really wordless, is it?
I can't believe that little thing is 10 months old today!  I will post her 10 month status later.

May 19, 2011

Baby/Child Safe Sunscreen and Bug Repellent lists

I came across these two wonderful cheatsheets from for Sunscreen and Bug Repellent that are baby/child safe.  I found them to be incredibly helpful.

Sunscreen List

Bug Repellent List

I've found this blog/site to be a great resource for all things "Safe" related (or Green) for your little one.  You might want to bookmark it for future reference!  And they have great giveaways.  I ask you, who DOESN'T love giveaways.

Happy Reading,
Momma J

May 18, 2011

May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 5/4/2011

First off, Happy Birthday Mister B!  I hope you have a wonderful day!

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