April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 4/27/2011

 Look at the bunny tights!  Yes hard to see but let me tell you, they are super cute.

April 26, 2011

Twinkle Toes - you are NINE months old!

Twinkle Toes - you are NINE months old!
Adjusted/corrected age of 32 weeks!

What are you up to these days???

·     You weigh 16 lbs 4 oz – this will be re-checked on 4/29 and updated then
·     You are over 24 inches but this isn’t official
·     You wear a size 2-3 diaper.  2’s are a bit too small for messy diapers and 3’s are WAY too big!
·     You are wearing 6 months clothes but I'm putting you in 9 months also
·     You had your first illness – an ear infection that I never would have guessed you had!
·     You haven’t started eating table food – Mommy is just letting you lead in this area!
·      You have a GREAT appetite. You eat 2 good solid meals a day but still gag on other snacks. You still eat several good sized bottles daily!
·     You take two naps a day (most days). You will sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.  Some days you’ll take 3 naps!
·        Your night sleeping gets better some nights - almost 7-8 hour stretches! And then we will have a rough time of getting you down to sleep.  You’re so inconsistent! 
·        You have two teeth – just the two on the bottom!  It is so cute but I can’t get a picture since you never move your tongue!
·        You are scooting and exploring EVERYWHERE!  You can scoot backwards so very well and roll all over the room!  It is fascinating to watch how fast you are now!
·        You smile and giggle a LOT!
·        You love sucking on your toes – with OR without socks on!
·        You love to sit up for your bottle now – straight up!
·        When Daddy leaves for work you just give him the biggest grin!  You are a total daddy's girl!
  • You are always so content and happy if we are out doing something. You also do so great out in restaurants!
  • You love to explore your surroundings!

The last nine months have been the best of my life.

9 Month Stats:
Bedtime: Between 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:30 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 6 oz bottles, consuming around 24oz daily
New Foods: Avocado and Yogurt!
Developmental Milestones: Rolling over and sitting up like a champ!
Favorite Toys: Sitting in a basket of balls and your Lamaze Giraffe!  You love beating the heck out of Sophie the Giraffe too!

April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday for 4/20/2011

Two for one since I've sucked lately!

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