March 25, 2011

Twinkle Toes is EIGHT months old today!!

Twinkle Toes - you are EIGHT months old today!!!
Adjusted/corrected age of 28 weeks!


Twinkle Toes what are you up to this month???

·      You wear 6-9 month clothes and 9 month PJ's.
·      You are in Size 2 diapers still
·      I have a feeling you weigh around 17-18 lbs
·      You are a little thing but a GREAT eater. You eat round 25 oz of milk daily and two jars of solids.  And you are eating larger quantities of solids too.
·      Although we see white, you STILL haven’t pop any teeth yet.
·      You have started taking great consistent naps and your night sleeping has been GREAT for the last month!
·      You like to blow raspberries and smile after every bite you eat. And then you open up like a little bird ready for your next bite of food.
·      We also call you "Curious George" because you are so nosy and curious. You love to look around at people and you will just stare. You are so curious about everything.
·      You are getting better and better at sitting on a daily basis. 
·      You still love the jumperoo and you just jump up and down in it.
·      You celebrated you first Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day!
·      You love to babble and make noise and you are SO loud.  You love to screech too!
·      You have the cutest personality. I literally can't get enough of you - I will never kiss you or hug you enough.
·      Your hair has just started to come in this month and it's still hard to tell what the color will be!   You also have blue eyes. They are so big, round and beautiful.
You are the most precious thing in the world to me!

8 Month Stats:
Bedtime: 7:30 & 8:15 pm
Wake Up Time: around 4:15 am
Naps: about 2 times a day with numerous catnaps too
Bottles: 5 oz bottles, consuming around 27oz daily
New Foods: Raspberry Apple, Pumpkin Apple, Pear Oatmeal, Winter Squash (all purees)
Developmental Milestones: Nothing new that I can think of
Favorite Toys: Her hands, toy keys, Sophie, Lamb Thumbie and various balls

March 23, 2011

March 16, 2011

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