October 27, 2010

Good day. No, make that a GREAT day!!!

Twinkle Toes had her weight check, additional shots and oxygen check.  My girl is a rockstar but we all KNEW that.

She now weighs 10 lbs on the nose - which means that she has gained 27 oz within 27 days.  Yep that's right, that's an ounce a day!  Right where they want to see her.

And drum roll please......

She passed her oxygen test with flying colors.  So she can go without the oxygen tank and just use it while sleeping at night!  That is huge and means that I don't have to carry that blasted thing around to daycare!  

As you can see, she is excited too!  :)

Ahhhhh, sweet freedom.

We are going to do a happy dance as a family tonight!

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