October 10, 2010

Oxygen and why Twinkle Toes is on it

As some readers know, Twinkle Toes is on oxygen and has been since her birth.  It's really not much, just 1/32 but she still needs it.

So why does she need it?  Well of course, her prematurity plays a role but it's also due to where we live.  Our Altitude basically is the driving force behind the need for the oxygen.  We've been told that if we lived in say, San Diego or Portland, Maine, that she wouldn't need the oxygen!

We live at an approximate elevation of 5,340 feet which is just slightly more than a mile above sea level ~ thus why they refer to Denver as the "Mile High City".

We realize the importance of the oxygen and rarely is she off of it.  The only times is when we are changing a onesie, changing out a tank for a full bottle or during her baths.

Twinkle Toes has another oxygen test on October 27th!  We've had daily chats together to encourage her to pass this test!  Hopefully, the chats will work!  We shall soon see.

Enjoy the picture of an oxygen free Twinkle Toes!

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