November 17, 2010

Today is National Prematurity Awareness Day!

I’m going to rock you to the core:  Nearly 5,000 preemies will NEVER see their room!  Sobering huh?!!
As you look at the latest picture of Twinkle Toes in today’s Wordless Wednesday, I would like to remind my readers of a few things.
  • You’d never know that she was born 7 weeks premature
  • You’d never know that she weighed 3 lbs. 4 oz. at birth
  • You’d never know that rather than snuggle with her after her birth, my husband and I watched nurses feverishly work on her to force air into her lungs to keep her alive and breathing.
  • You’d never know that she was 10 days old before she was held by her parents for the first time.
  • You’d never know that for the first month of her life she lived in an isolette where the temperature was constantly monitored.
  • You’d never know that she was fed with tubes for the first few weeks of her life, since she wasn’t strong or coordinated enough to suck on a bottle
  • You'd never know that she was too week to be held to nurse
  • You’d never know that she spent her first 32 days in the NICU before coming home

You’d never know.  But you do now!

Twinkle Toes is not alone in this battle.  Every year, half a million babies in the US are born before their time.  They are born too soon, too small and too sick and the numbers are growing every year.  That number, half a million, equates to 1 in every 8 babies!!!!  One in Eight!! 
Since 1981, the rate of premature births has risen 30%, and in half the cases it is not understood what caused it.  The March of Dimes is leading the fight for answers, and ultimately, prevention.
Today is National Prematurity Awareness Day!  You know our story of Twinkle Toes and even if you don’t, I’d like to ask a small favor.  If you have a story of your own or know of a preemie, please share it today.  Share it in support of The March of Dimes.  Visit The March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness to join the fight against prematurity. 
We need to fight – because babies shouldn’t have to.   And no parent should ever have to face that battle! 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Thank you for helping to raise awareness and Fight for Preemies. I love your blog. It will be comfort to many readers in the dark of the night.


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