December 16, 2010

Rembering when....

I remember when you ate 45 ML's (1.5 ozs !)and we couldn't believe you were eating so much!
I remember when preemie diapers were a little too big!
I remember when your bibs seemed to eat you alive.
I remember when we had rolls in your car seat so your head wouldn't bobble or body slide forward.
I remember when socks were too big and you'd kick them off.
I remember when you looked so small in your swing we thought it may take you to the moon (and that's why you weren't in it until you hit 8 lbs!).
I remember when the nasal bulb wouldn't fit in your nostril.
I remember when most hats would fall below your eyes.
I remember when your pacifier looked bigger then half of your face, and that was the preemie sized one!!
I remember when we had to sponge bathe you because your bath tub was just too big!
I remember when someone would be up around the clock with you because you were so tiny we were scared to go to sleep.
I remember when we used receiving blankets to swaddle you.
I remember when you couldn't lay on your boppy. You could have just laid in the center of it.
I remember when everyone would say, "She's so small!"

Now you eat 5 ounces!
Now you wear size 1-2 diapers and even those are looking smaller by the day on you.
Now I'm putting bibs in the 'to small' box.
Now your newborn insert may come out soon.
Now you can wear even the big socks!
Now it looks like you weigh the swing down!
Now we have no problem getting those boggies out!
Now some hats are fitting on your head OR even getting to be too small!
Now your pacifier is the perfect size even though you rarely want it or take it!
Now your barely fitting in your infant tub!
Now we ALL sleep so soundly when you do.
Now your almost to long for many of your 3 month sleepers!
Now you tower over your boppy!
Now everyone says, "She's getting to be so big!"

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