December 9, 2010

Why we needed an RE

Some of you may remember that we sought help to conceive.  I wanted to back track and provide details as to why we needed an RE. 

The Female Issues

The main issue with me is AGE. Of course, it is always age. Ugh – I really hate that and it really is something that is out of my control. So I met the man of my dreams later in life - whatever!

The other minor issue is that I have what is known as an Arcuate Configuration of the Uterus. In the easiest way that I can explain it, I have a small cleft or impression at the top of my uterus. This is considered a normal variant and it is NOT associated with an increased risk of obstetric/gynecologic complications found in other subtypes like a Bicornuate or Septate uterus. Here is a picture of an Arcuate Uterus with a picture of a typical uterus:

Can you see the minor difference? Look at the VERY top of the first image - see the little drop down in the middle - yep, that's it! That is what is deemed as a Arcuate uterus!

The Male Issues

As I had suspected all along, Mister B did have a minor issue which most likely is the reason we couldn't get pregnant! He has what is known as Mild Teratospermia (what a mouthful). For a better explanation of Teratospermia click here

 The Plan
So that led us to a medicted IUI cycle. We had to do 2 medicated IUI's to get pregnant with Twinkle Toes.

Each cycle entailed me taking Clomid (50 mg) on cycle days 5-9 (with monitoring). I used my CBEFM to test my urine for LH testing.  But I had a surprise on IUI #1!  My CBEFM never detected the surge.  So after CD 16 came and went WITHOUT an LH surge, I had to do ah hCG trigger with both IUI's.  Then the following mornings, we would do the insemination.
After the LH surge, on days 8 and 11, I will had blood work done to determine my luteal progesterone levels.

It has been a year since our first unsuccessful IUI.  I know we were incredibly lucky to get pregnant with Twinkle Toes on our 2nd IUI!  It doesn't always happen that quickly.

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