November 25, 2010

Twinkle Toes is FOUR months old today!

Twinkle Toes - you are FOUR months old!!!!
Adjusted/Corrected age of 10 weeks

What are you up to these days????

I love the little Turkey's on her sleeper!

·    You are completely off of the Oxygen!  This makes mommy and daddy VERY happy.
·    You have learned to grab - you are most interested in my hair.  You are starting to grab your toys and hold on to them now.
·    You smile when I talk to you.  You are starting to laugh more and more each day.
·     You turn to look at us when you hear our voices. Especially for your daddy. When he comes home from work and you hear him - you always turn and look like "where did you come from daddy" and then you flash the biggest smile. You love him so much!
·    You are getting so tall. You really aren't very chubby - you are just long!
·    You are wearing 3-6 months size clothes and a size 1 diaper but I think that will quickly change.  Hopefully we can use up ALL of the size 1 diapers unlike the NB diapers.
·    We will see how much you weigh on 11/29.
·    You still like to eat about every 3 to 3 1/2 hours - 24/7. You rarely get up during the night.  Mommy and Daddy are truly thrilled that you sleep so well at night!
·    Every morning Daddy feeds you while I get ready for work - I love that time with you. We sit in Mommy’s office and you watch her get ready while you eat your bottle. 
·    You hate hates and your car seat! 
·    You really only cry now when you are really tired.
·    You are constantly reaching for your fingers to chew on them. We don’t think you are teething but maybe you just like to chew.
·    You still love your bath. You just chew your fingers and lay there like you could lay there forever. You are always so content at bath time.
·    Every morning when I wake up for the last are always laying in your bed just as happy as a lark.
·    You are very close to rolling over.  You’ll typically roll to your left or right side and then roll right to your back again.
·    You are the Joy of mine and your daddy's lives!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  We know we have many reasons to be thankful, how about you?

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