October 19, 2010

High Ho, High Ho it's back to Work I go

Yep, that's right!  Yesterday was the first day back to work for me.  It wasn't as hard as I expected but maybe that due in part that I bawled most of Friday, had a meltdown on Saturday and finally worked my way past the "bad mommy" feelings on Sunday.

Mister B and I have been really good about preparing everything and packing as much as possible the night before.  Mister B is off on Monday's which is great as it reduces daycare costs and he gets one-on-one time with Twinkle Toes. 

I am happy to report that both, Mister B and Twinkle Toes, did well with each other.  I did have to laugh though.  Mister B called me around 2 pm to tell me he'd need a break once I got home.  Fat chance was my first thought given he'd never given me a "break" while I was home alone with her.  Oh well!  We worked it out once I got home and all was well.

And as a bonus for reading, here is a recent picture of Twinkle Toes!  She has only worn this outfit once and she is already too long for it.  What a bummer, since it's so cute and was a gift from a dear friend!  The feet say "Kiss"  and "Me"  Just too darn cute!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha!! Mister B has a lot more of those requests coming up in the near future. Glad that your day went as well as it could.


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